Compliance Penal

Compliance Penal 

Criminal responsibility

Legal entities face their survival in a world in constant legal and technological change.

With the introduction of the Organic Law 5/2010, the Spanish legal system underwent a radical change, incorporating two sides to the criminal liability of legal entities.
A) That of the perpetrator.
B) That of the legal entity for not having exercised due control, which could lead to issues such as economic and/or administrative sanctions, judicial intervention of the company, or damage to the public image, amongst others.

As such, every organization should ask itself what can be done to avoid such risks.  
At Legal Compliance we foresee any issues through the implementation of a Regulatory Compliance Program (article 31 bis of the Criminal Code), so trying to avoid any crime being committed, and also the implementation of ethical legal compliance throughout the organization.

What do we do?

Specialists in the ad-hoc creation of these programs, we believe in prevention and respecting the identity of your organization, adapting the implementation terms to your reality.

Prevention plans

Risk maps


Compliance Officer (el supervisor interno)

Communication channel for organization risks

Periodic review and update

What is Criminal Compliance?

Criminal Compliance is a set of tools aimed at preventing infractions of the state criminal law and avoid sanctions for the company. Compliance guarantees that the activity carried out by the company and its components does so by responding to ethical legal compliance, internal policies and other regulations that the company may have voluntarily decided to comply with.

Contact us

We will inform you about our services and study your case to give you the best solution.
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